If you are someone who is doing due diligence on master's degree programs in quantitative finance, financial engineering, computational finance or risk management, you should check out the Rutgers University Financial Statistics and Risk Management program (FSRM). The FSRM program is unique in its emphasis on advanced statistical methods, sophisticated data and statistical analytics and supporting computational and programming methods, as opposed to "top down" complex, over-parameterized mathematical modeling taught by traditional "financial engineering" programs now tainted by "bad behavior" of these models during the financial crisis.
In addition, the FSRM master's degree program offers flexible hours to cater for part time, as well as full time, students, can be completed in three full time semesters, involves industry experts and practitioners thru seminars and classroom instruction, uses real financial data in homework & projects and is an excellent preparation for the FRM (Finanical Risk Manager) Or PRM (Professional Risk Manager) certificates as it covers much of the required content.
To learn more about the differential advantage of the FSRM approach to risk management and quantitative financial analysis, you are encouraged to view either a one minute slide show or, better still if you have a little more time, view the five minute narrated slide show. This time will be well spent in helping you make an informed decision about a vital career step. After watching one of the slide shows, explore the program details further at your convenience, but one of these slide shows is a good place to start right now.